Recombinant Human IL2 Receptor alpha Protein (Fc Tag)

Beta LifeScience SKU/CAT #: BLA-0500P

Recombinant Human IL2 Receptor alpha Protein (Fc Tag)

Beta LifeScience SKU/CAT #: BLA-0500P
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Product Overview

Host Species Human
Accession P01589
Synonym Interleukin 2 receptor alpha chain CD25 CD25 antigen IDDM10 IL 2 receptor alpha subunit IL-2 receptor subunit alpha IL-2-RA IL-2R subunit alpha IL2 RA IL2 Receptor alpha IL2-RA IL2R IL2R, alpha chain IL2RA IL2RA_HUMAN IMD41 Interleukin 2 receptor Interleukin 2 receptor alpha Interleukin-2 receptor subunit alpha p55 t-cell growth factor receptor TAC TAC antigen TCGFR
Description Recombinant Human IL2 Receptor alpha Protein (Fc Tag) was expressed in HEK293. It is a Protein fragment
Source HEK293
Purity >95% SDS-PAGE.
Endotoxin < 1.0 EU per μg of the protein as determined by the LAL method
Formulation Lyophilised
Stability The recombinant protein samples are stable for up to 12 months at -80°C
Reconstitution See related COA
Unit Definition For Research Use Only
Storage Buffer Shipped at 4°C. After reconstitution store at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycle.

Target Details

Target Function Receptor for interleukin-2. The receptor is involved in the regulation of immune tolerance by controlling regulatory T cells (TREGs) activity. TREGs suppress the activation and expansion of autoreactive T-cells.
Subcellular Location Membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein.
Database References
Associated Diseases Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent, 10 (IDDM10); Immunodeficiency 41 with lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity (IMD41)

Gene Functions References

  1. Results are in line with the hypothesis that in the early phase of ALS, neuroprotective helper T cells infiltrate in the affected areas in the lumbar spinal cord. This was reflected in higher peripheral percentage of CD4(+) helper T cells and higher expression of FOXP3 and IL-2Ralpha. PMID: 29574662
  2. a significant association was found between IL2RA SNP and susceptibility to alopecia areata in Iranian cohort PMID: 29979892
  3. The gene polymorphisms at the loci of IL2RA rs2104286 and rs12722489 are closely associated with susceptibility to MS in the Chinese. PMID: 30352019
  4. Higher frequency of IL2RA SNP could not be detected among multiple sclerosis patients. The difference of frequencies was statistically insignificant between groups, probably, due to low power of analysis and inadequate sample size. PMID: 29141792
  5. Our meta-analysis suggests that the rs2104286 A allele is associated with increased MS risk in both Caucasians and Asians, whereas the rs12722489 C allele is associated with elevated MS risk in Caucasians but not in Asians. PMID: 29648897
  6. sIL-2R could be a promising new marker for determining inflammatory disease activity in CRPS. PMID: 28634419
  7. Relationship between soluble CD25 and gene expression in healthy individuals and patients with multiple sclerosis. PMID: 28511943
  8. Increased serum level of soluble interleukin-2 receptor is associated with a worse response of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma to interferon alpha and sequential VEGF-targeting therapy. PMID: 28545581
  9. Data show that interleukin-2 receptor alpha, tumor necrosis factor receptor 1, serum STimulation-2 (IL1RL1 gene product), and regenerating islet-derived 3-alpha were significantly associated with non-relapse mortality. PMID: 28126963
  10. High IL2RA expression is associated with CRLF2-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia. PMID: 28866095
  11. Inhibits CD25 translation through regulation of the LKB1-AMPK-mTOR pathway to suppress T cells. PMID: 28230853
  12. Among patients with a low pretreatment sIL-2R level who exhibited a positive response to R-CHOP, the posttreatment sIL-2R level may help to identify those with a poor prognosis. PMID: 28413914
  13. The findings not only confirm the predictive power of CD25 expression for Philadelphia chromosome translocation (Ph)+ but also demonstrate that CD25 expression is associated with RD (a biomarker correlated with prognosis) in Ph- patients. The latter finding is likely associated with underlying molecular abnormalities, including Ph-like genotype. PMID: 28430957
  14. Through GWAS, we found that emotion dysregulation is associated at genome-wide level significance in a sex-specific manner, with a SNP in IL2RA in men. PMID: 27643478
  15. it has been shown that CD25 serves as a negative growth regulator of Chronic myeloid leukemia leukemic stem cells. PMID: 28457753
  16. Decidual stromal cells affect IL-2 production and IL-2R expression and signaling. PMID: 27651429
  17. The single nucleotide variant rs12722489 determines differential ERalpha binding and enhancer properties of an IL2RA intronic region. PMID: 28234966
  18. CDK6-mediated suppression of CD25 is required for initiation of T-ALL by activated Notch1 PMID: 26707936
  19. CD4(+) CD25(+) GARP(+) Treg cells are defective in dilated cardiomyopathy patients and GARP seems to be a better molecular definition of the regulatory phenotype. PMID: 28207945
  20. Studies indicate many potential uses of soluble interleukin-2 receptor measurement in the diagnosis and treatment of hemophagocytic syndromes. PMID: 28497365
  21. Data suggest that differential methylation of the IL2RA promoter in T cells could be an important pathogenic mechanism in multiple sclerosis. PMID: 28077880
  22. Sustained STAT5 transcription factor (STAT5) phosphorylation is necessary to induce long-term interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha (CD25) expression in T lymphocytes. PMID: 27936140
  23. Gastric adenocarcinoma patients present with increased PD-1(+) lymphocytes and CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) regulatory T cells in the peripheral blood. PMID: 28031121
  24. The serum concentration of soluble IL2 receptor are increased in patients with Kawasaki disease. (Review) PMID: 28081636
  25. CD25 is an independent prognostic factor in elderly AML patients. Alternative therapies for CD25-positive elderly AML patients are needed. PMID: 28097942
  26. The study demonstrated Increased level of CD25 in patients with active vitilligo. PMID: 27556155
  27. CD45RA distinguishes CD4+CD25+CD127-/low TSDR demethylated regulatory T cell subpopulations with differential stability and susceptibility to tacrolimus-mediated immunosuppression. PMID: 28118317
  28. Combination with anti-programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) antibodies promoted complete tumor rejection, indicating the relevance of CD25 antigen as a therapeutic target and promising substrate for future combination approaches in immune-oncology. PMID: 28410988
  29. A compensatory mechanism of IL-7-mediated homeostatic proliferation can restore the inhibitory network of CD24+Foxp3+Treg cell after anti-CD25 induction therapy in islet allotransplantation. PMID: 27306531
  30. (99) Tc-methylene diphosphonate may improve the activity of RA through upregulating the frequency of peripheral gammadelta T cells and CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) Tregs as well as affecting the serum cytokine environment by increasing TGF-beta and decreasing TNF-alpha and IL-6. PMID: 24467668
  31. IL-2Ra Interleukin-2 receptor antagonists (IL-2Ra) reduces the risk on new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) in liver transplant recipients. PMID: 26588180
  32. The percentages of CD8(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(brigh) Tregs correlate with mean peak expiratory flow. PMID: 25921629
  33. Efficiently downregulated the percentages of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulator T (Treg) cells. PMID: 27431260
  34. introduce the combined use of CD25 and properly strati fi ed CD135 values as alternatives to testing for the FLT3-ITD mutation PMID: 27087256
  35. this study shows that PTPN22 genetic polymorphisms play role in predisposition of type 1 diabetes mellitus in Egyptian children PMID: 27288719
  36. dissected the first intron of the IL2RA gene and selected several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may influence the regulation of the IL2RA gene in cell types relevant to autoimmune pathology PMID: 27876533
  37. Its levels correlate to disease stage, assess response to therapy and are predictive of recurrence or better survival. We suggest, therefore, using sIL-2R as a reliable prognostic marker in HNC patients as a single marker, or in a combined panel of biomarkers. PMID: 27466555
  38. CD25 had an adverse prognostic impact on these patients, and this poor prognosis may not be overcome, even with transplant. Patients with AML with residual CD25-positive blasts at the time of transplant may require additional therapy before or after transplant to improve survival. PMID: 26422713
  39. IL2RA and TAGAP are novel vitamin D target genes. The vitamin D response is observed in samples from both the multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and controls, and is not dependent on the genotype of MS-associated SNPs in the respective genes. PMID: 26765264
  40. Anti-CD25 recombinant immunotoxin LMB-2 had phase I activity limited by immunogenicity and rapid growth. PMID: 26350263
  41. Enhanced pretreatment CD25 expression on CD4+ T cells was associated with decreased survival rate of acute myeloid leukemia patients. PMID: 26721345
  42. A decrease of CD4(+) CD25(+) CD127(low) FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells with impaired suppressive function had been found in untreated ulcerative colitis patients. PMID: 26333292
  43. Data show that an ultra-high level of serum serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) at diagnosis is a significant poor prognostic biomarker for angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL). PMID: 25563559
  44. The rs2104286 G allele in IL2RA is present at higher frequencies in neuromyelitis optica patients than in healthy controls within a Southern Han Chinese population. PMID: 24257225
  45. Our results suggest that the CD34/CD25/CD123/CD99(+) LAIP is strictly associated with FLT3-ITD-positive cells. PMID: 25957287
  46. Interleukin-2 Receptor alpha-Chain (CD25) Expression Predicts a Poor Prognosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia PMID: 26375984
  47. Data show that interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha (IL2RA)-single nucleotide polymorphism rs2104286 and serum sIL2Ralpha-level associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-persistence. PMID: 26350950
  48. CD4+CD45RO+CD25-/lowCD127+: CD4+CD45RO+CD25hiCD127-/low ratio in peripheral blood indicates heart transplant recipients at risk for cardiac allograft vasculopathy. PMID: 25539460
  49. analysis of sIL-2R levels in sarcoidosis patients with renal insufficiency PMID: 25745051
  50. all five single nucleotide polymorphisms in the IL2RA gene are risk factors for type 1 diabetes risk. PMID: 26249556


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Proteins are sensitive to heat, and freeze-drying can preserve the activity of the majority of proteins. It improves protein stability, extends storage time, and reduces shipping costs. However, freeze-drying can also lead to the loss of the active portion of the protein and cause aggregation and denaturation issues. Nonetheless, these adverse effects can be minimized by incorporating protective agents such as stabilizers, additives, and excipients, and by carefully controlling various lyophilization conditions.

Commonly used protectant include saccharides, polyols, polymers, surfactants, some proteins and amino acids etc. We usually add 8% (mass ratio by volume) of trehalose and mannitol as lyoprotectant. Trehalose can significantly prevent the alter of the protein secondary structure, the extension and aggregation of proteins during freeze-drying process; mannitol is also a universal applied protectant and fillers, which can reduce the aggregation of certain proteins after lyophilization.

Our protein products do not contain carrier protein or other additives (such as bovine serum albumin (BSA), human serum albumin (HSA) and sucrose, etc., and when lyophilized with the solution with the lowest salt content, they often cannot form A white grid structure, but a small amount of protein is deposited in the tube during the freeze-drying process, forming a thin or invisible transparent protein layer.

Reminder: Before opening the tube cap, we recommend that you quickly centrifuge for 20-30 seconds in a small centrifuge, so that the protein attached to the tube cap or the tube wall can be aggregated at the bottom of the tube. Our quality control procedures ensure that each tube contains the correct amount of protein, and although sometimes you can't see the protein powder, the amount of protein in the tube is still very precise.

To learn more about how to properly dissolve the lyophilized recombinant protein, please visit Lyophilization FAQs.

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